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Sea smoke can clog your passageways

January 15, 2012

If it freezes to your face.

Deep tissue chill this morning.  8.5 miles into a -15F wind chill.  I spent the the first four miles squeezing and unsqueezing my hands inside double mittens to promote blood flow. This turned out to be a minor problem.  When crossing the causeway I was engulfed in a frigid fog of evaporating sea water.  It took several minutes by the woodstove to get it all off.

Today ends week number five.  40.5 miles, average pace: 8:51.  Weight down to 156.

I thoroughly enjoyed following the Olympic Marathon Trials via Twitter yesterday.  Turns out the runners did have to run 2:09 and 2:26 to make the team after all.  (See article on sidebar).

Near the end of this week, I will be doing a couple of workouts in St. Petersburg, FL.  I am anticipating a welcome change in temperature.


From → Running

  1. Can’t imagine running in those conditions. Enjoy the warm weahter training.

  2. I remember those bonechilling runs with the sea-smoke blowing across the causeway. I was rum

  3. I remember those days. Nice consistency in your workouts. God Bless !

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